Think Feel Speak Write Do
Thinking, feeling, speaking, writing and doing is the process we all can use to fulfill our divine purpose in life. Many of us are frustrated, confused, lack enthusiasm and are going through the motions of life because we are not doing what we have been created to do. We have settled for the world's definition of who we are rather than agreeing with God, who has created us ON PURPOSE.
Begin to think often, and with passion, the thoughts that support your purpose in life. Then, watch things begin to happen for you.
Be determined and diligent to Think, Feel, Speak, Write and Do on purpose and you will begin to fulfill your true, God-given purpose in life. Get started today!
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Moore Books
The Mall
- Do Something Positive
The ALPHA Center
- God Rules
Exploring The Sovereignty of God - Where To
Church Directory and Information Center - The Alphaomega Group
Marketing Management Consulting - Alphaweb1
Web design - R. Lee Moore, Sr.
Personal Website