Looks Like A Lamb...SMELLS LIKE A GOAT
– A Study of the Sheep and the Goats as found in Matthew 25: 31-46
What distinguishes sheep from goats as illustrated in many biblical passages? We know that in the discourse found in Matthew 25:31-46 the differences between the two, and the consequences that follow, comes down to what they did and didn't do.
Looks like a Lamb...is a whimsical yet profound perspective of this often quoted passage. It discusses the issues surrounding our actions towards those we think little of as well as our neglect of those in need.
It then goes into a detailed study of the differences between sheep and goats and the correlations between those of us who call ourselves "sheep" but tend to act like "goats".
You will be amused and challenged as you read this insightful study.
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Cover illustration by Jonathan R. Moore
Moore Books
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